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My First Post

The project that caught my attention was "A Dyslexic's Experience", by Eva Philips. The project focused on the idea of making it possible teach everyone about dyslexia. The people involved in this project include Eva, another gentleman named David Rios, and some of her class mates that offered input.The materials that were used to make this project include:

The amount of time it had taken Eva to make this project would seemingly be 6 weeks.This project is available at

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Basically I was going for what it would look like inside of our bloodstream, all of the platelets , white cells and red cells. Someday I'll come back to this and put more effects and details on it to


I basically going for a look of New Years, because honestly I think everyone would much rather be any other year than the we are in.

Algorithmic bias

Everyone with a smart device that participates in the use of apps for enjoyment, encounters the bias of their ads being littered with things that the computer feel as though those people need to see.

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